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S Iswaran - The Government will set aside $27 million to provide taxi and PHC drivers with an additional $10 per vehicle per day top-up through the COVID-19 Driver Relief Fund (CDRF).S Iswaran - The Government will set aside $27 million to provide taxi and  PHC drivers with an additional $10 per vehicle per day top-up through the  COVID-19 Driver Relief Fund (CDRF).
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Additional $27 million of support for cabbies, private-hire drivers amid 'significant' fall in ridership | The Straits TimesAdditional $27 million of support for cabbies, private-hire drivers amid  'significant' fall in ridership | The Straits Times
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保護中: 【No.126】今年もあいつがやってくるようだ.塩害とは?耐塩性の高い作物は!?
