山崎実業 タワー tower 洗濯機横 マグネット 折り畳み棚 磁石 タオル置き 着替え お風呂 ランドリー 脱衣所 ランドリーラック 省スペース アイデア 浮かせる収納
Eric 5
Gas powered stove tops are notoriously messy and hard to clean. I've tried a number of other products but nothing would really clean it properly. It was getting worse and worse, everything was brown and black spots seemed to be burnt into the metal. After two years of not being able to clean it adequately, I was about to throw in the towel and call a professional cleaning service to take care of it, for $200.I had to order a few other cleaning items on Amazon and by chance came across this cleaner. I thought I would give it one last try and it turned out to be an amazing product! It was very foamy when I sprayed it on and after about a minute, a brown runoff started to trail off the metal. All the grease slowly started coming off, finally! The attached pictures unfortunately only show the "after" version, I wish I had taken a "before" as well. Imagine that the light-grey parts were all dark brown and black. I'm very satisfied with the outcome, after two years, the stove top finally looks again like new.I found the cleaner to work best when the item to be cleaned is completely covered in foam and then let it sit for 5 - 10mins to let it penetrate the grime. After that, rinsing the item with warm water helps to get off most of the accumulated grease. To get rid of the smaller patches of dirt, use a sponge, scrubber or an old toothbrush and everything should be coming off. For very stubborn grime, repeat the process once or twice but that is usually not necessary.Excellent product, I will be buying this again.
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