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  4. GMT: Red Storm: Baltic Approaches
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GMT: Red Storm: Baltic Approaches


GMT: Red Storm: Baltic Approaches


The Air War Over the Baltic, 1987Red Storm: Baltic Approaches is the first expansion for GMT’s Red Storm game of operational level air combat between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Red Storm: Baltic Approaches adds the air forces of three new countries (Denmark, Sweden, and Poland) along with additional units for nations represented in Red Storm, including US Marine Corps aircraft. The game will also add naval units, anti-ship missiles, maritime weather, and rules covering other facets of air combat in the predominantly maritime domain of the western Baltic.Scenarios featuring mission types from Red Storm (close air support, interdiction, air defense suppression, and deep strike) will be joined by new types focused on raids against enemy ships, amphibious operation support, airborne drops, and aerial mining. Solo scenarios, using the Bot system introduced in Red Storm, will also be included.New aircraft types will include the F-4S Phantom, AV-8B Harrier II, F/A-18A Hornet, A-6E Intruder, EA-6B Prowler, Atlantic 2, P-3C Orion, F-35XD Draken, JA-37/AJ-37 Viggen, Tu-22M Backfire, Su-20 Fitter, Tu-95 Bear, IL-38 May, and more. Naval units range from cruisers and destroyers down through amphibious ships, missile patrol craft, and other types from the various countries whose navies would be engaged in the area.Players will need a copy of Red Storm: The Air War Over Central Germany, 1987 to play Red Storm: Baltic Approaches .Components:2 x Maps (34" x 22")1 x Rules/Scenario/Appendices booklet1 x Counter Sheet1 x Player Aid Card (11 x 17)2 x Aircraft Data Cards (11 x 17)2 x Naval Data Cards (8.5 x 11)2 x Naval Display Cards (8.5 x 11)1 x Pad Naval Unit Log Sheets

GMT: Red Storm: Baltic Approaches

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Red Storm: Baltic Approaches Design Update | Inside GMT blogRed Storm: Baltic Approaches Design Update | Inside GMT blog
Red Storm | Inside GMT blogRed Storm | Inside GMT blog
Red Storm -Red Storm -
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Red Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers Needful ThingsRed Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers  Needful Things
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HEXASIM-Red Storm: Baltic ApproachesHEXASIM-Red Storm: Baltic Approaches
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Baltic Approaches" Unboxing - YouTubeBaltic Approaches
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GMT: Red Storm: Baltic Approaches :1-rsba:クロノノーツゲーム - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピングGMT: Red Storm: Baltic Approaches :1-rsba:クロノノーツゲーム - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング
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Red Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers Needful ThingsRed Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers  Needful Things
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Red Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers Needful ThingsRed Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers  Needful Things
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AAR Red Storm con exp. Baltic ApproachesAAR Red Storm con exp. Baltic Approaches
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Red Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers Needful ThingsRed Storm: The Airwar Over Central Germany, 1987 by GMT Games - A Wargamers  Needful Things
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The リスト
