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The American 5
I tried these out for my Boston terrier mix to solve two problems: 1) She barks whenever she hears the apartment doorbell-phone ring, 2) Her back teeth have developed a lot of tartar.So far, she has gone through about ten of these things, and we have seen a lot of progress. For the doorbell issue, we keep one handy and when it rings, we toss one to her and she goes to work. (You can translate the Japanese reviews here and many of them specifically mention this.) Because these have meat tied into them, they make for a higher-value puzzle than regular rawhide bones.For the tartar issue, these have basically cleaned better than any edible treat we have tried so far. The difference was immediately visible after the first couple of times. I should mention that this dog is four years old and has never had her teeth professionally cleaned. (At home, she dislikes teeth brushing and will not hold still for her back teeth to be brushed.) Prior to this, we also kept her away from rawhide treats, because we have read that they are not the best for a dog's digestive system. However, thanks to the addition of the higher-value meat inside these, our dog tends to chew through the rawhide to get to the meat, and then discard the rest. So for us, it is the best of both worlds.I really wish I took some "before" photos of my dog's teeth. Her side and back teeth were basically completely brown. Now, after a month of these, the middle teeth are mostly white, with tarter limited to the gumline. The rear teeth have more tartar left, but the tips are now white. Even the vet noticed. We hope to surprise him at the next visit – perhaps she will not have to have her teeth cleaned after all.
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