WOLF 3 これを使用したからかどうかは定かではないですが、同じ環境で育てている植物で、枯れてしまったものと、元気なものに分かれています。おそらくこの商品自体には問題はないのでしょうが、使っていると、他に原因があったとしても「合わなかったのかかな?」とも思ってしまうので、こういう商品は評価が難しいです。
甘李 4 The multitude of pockets allows you to store/carry many items while staying organized. The cushioning of the straps helps the bag rest comfortably on your shoulders. The hand straps and backpack straps allow you to carry the bag in various positions, but it would be nice if the backpack straps could be stored away. It would also be more convenient if the opening to the inner pockets went up higher, as items tend to catch on them when being placed inside the bag. While the look and feel of the bag is nice, the stitching is not. Within the first month of use, many threads were already becoming undone.Overall, I am rather satisfied with the purchase. It holds a lot, looks professional, and is affordable.