Monae 4 Item came well packaged and fits very comfortably. It’s a great buy. I give 4 star because the finishing is a bit messy ( glue used? But it can be overlooked as it’s not very obviousIf you have wide feet maybe buy a size up as there is no stretch in the back to slip on.
楽天市場】【送料無料】DELL USB-PD-DCプラグ変換コネクター 7.4x5.0mm 4.5x3.0mm USB Type-C - DCプラグ外径7.4mm-内径5.0mm DELLノートパソコン PD 充電器 USB-C 変換アダプター AC 充電 電源 ケーブル デル 変換アダプタ USB Type-C TO DELLスリム ACアダプター ...