bryaneasy 5 メディアを読み込めませんでした。Internet ntt guy came. Couldn't find the telephone line where he was running the hikari line parallel too. Said it could be anywhere and did his noise whooshing whooshing thing. After that we still couldn't find it. And I pulled a hole in the roof to try find it. But little did I know it was buried In a whole In the concrete. People reformed the house and blocked it up.Enter this device. I spliced into the old telephone line to trace it and thought I was done for. But trial and error I had to hook positive to one side of the telephone line and the earth to the negative side (not an earth point so different to Instructions). And bam the noise started ringing and I was able pinpoint it the telephone line and the hikari line the guy wired. So now I can get internet finally. If this even saves one poor bastarrrrrd the hassle I went through the it's worth the 13000 yen I paid. Need two 9v batteries and fine tip screw driver. Dollar store ones are fine.