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ピジョン ベビー麦茶 国産茶葉使用 125ml×3個パック×4個
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ちさたん 5
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電源タップ 4個口 3m 延長コード USB付き コンセント クランプ固定 一括集中スイッチ OAタップ コンセントタップ TAP-B105U-3BK トップス アウター 大きいサイズ 長袖 春秋 レディース 前開き ボタン留め 抜け感のあるトレンドコーデ 40代 大人カジュアル 自然に体型カバー 50代 30代 マキタ 18V 丸ノコ 充電式 丸のこ XSS02Z 【ケース販売】ピジョン ベビー麦茶 500ml×24本 国産茶葉使用 | ピジョン | 食品・飲料・お酒 通販 - Amazon
たら 4
Lucky 2
This device works well to clean chains, but has many flaws. Biggest flaw is workmanship: the top and bottom half of the device are held shut with metal spring clips which are held in place with tiny metal pins. After a few uses, the pins simply fell out, and because they're very small they were easily lost. I had to replace the pins with pieces of a bamboo BBQ skewer which I cemented in with plastic glue. These pins should be held in place more firmly, or perhaps they should be replaced with bolts rather than straight pins. There is a small magnet on the bottom of the device which is meant to pull steel shavings out of the cleaning fluid. I'm not sure steel shavings will even exist in the fluid, as the aluminum chainrings are more likely to deteriorate than the steel chain, but anyway, the magnet is held in place with a plastic pin that fits into the bottom of the device. This pin also simply fell out after a few months. I glued it back in and have also reinforced it with tape. As for using the device, it is quick and easy, and the brushes do seem to clean the chain quite well. It takes some getting used to because when you rotate the pedal backward to run the chain through the device, it's very easy to derail the chain from the chainring. When this happens you have a big mess because the device will tip upward and the cleaning fluid will leak out. So definitely use this device outside, and not on your deck or patio, but over some earth or an area which you are fine to get dirty. Finally, the device comes with a bottle of Park Chain Cleaner, but any chain cleaner from a hardware store will be fine and as an example I bought a liter for about 200 yen compared to a tiny bottle from Park for five times the price. In conclusion, I will still use this device, but if it ever gets old and broken or lost, I will investigate all alternatives thoroughly before buying the same device a second time.
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