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tomigaya 3
Top quality blade, koto/ZLC/Kiri, weight is 86g.Paired with D09C and D80 both 2.1mm (total 186g), there is no adjustment to do, it plays really well, a bit more punchy that Viscaria. This is a good surprise, the quality of the analog blade is really good.About the digital part, I will say that this is below my expectations. The most interesting mode is "Match Record" and "Analyse" the data : but this does not work at all, I cannot see any data despite running the chronograph when recording data. There is no data ! I think there is a lot of space to improve the application in the future, especially it would be appreciated to transfer data on a computer for post processing and more data analysis. But as it is the first smart racket in the market, there are some possible problems. I contacted the maker, but I got no answer. So I am wondering if this Gogotak is a serious company or not.The application Swing tracker, is free, but I tried the Match record, and I thought that I recorded 5 set games because the chronograph started and stopped. But no data were recorded. This is malfunction, and this is a big deception because of expensive price. About the 2 other modes, practise and screen game, this is not so interesting except to do a kind of training at home for beginners.But for advanced players, we need to post-process the data on a computer but this is not possible yet, especially to analyse the game, etc... this is missing.Conclusion : very decent and top quality ZLC blade, still not JTTA approved. The IoT data and application are not so attractive yet, and it does not work, there is no support from Gogotak, but it is an interesting product, signing the new era of table tennis with a decent analog blade !
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