新品 即納❗️ビンテージ アイボリー ダックテール 半ヘル ハーレーの通販 by G's Speed‼️クリアランスセール‼️|ラクマ
ZHOU LI 5 This compact sofa comes in a very manageable package. Easy assembly and great value! It is perfect for 2 people to sit on and when you are by yourself you can put half of it in front of you and have a nice lounge chair experience. However it is pretty comfy in its normal position already, but it is great to have that option as well. The detachable design also allowed for many creative ways to set it up. It’s perfect if you have friends coming because it is very flexible and you guys can do movies, play cards, sitting towards each other or sitting in a row and all look at the screen. Very nice purchase!