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サイズ 容量: 1L(28.5x20cm)
2L (38x26.5cm)
8L (48x33.5cm)
カラー: グレー
素材: ナイロン 防水加工済み
重さ: 22g + 30g + 44g
特徴: Waterfroof DryBag, 超軽量,完全防水,ロールアップ式
用途: * 縫い目は防水シームテープ加工で着替え等も濡らさずに安心です。
* 旅行に登山に用途は色々、バッグやザックの中を整理してパッキングできます。
Our product cycle process always starts with the customer: understanding who they are, how they live and what they value in our product. Then we identify the technologies and innovations that will meet those evolving needs and expectations, and implement them in our product plan.
We work closely with our material suppliers to ensure that all materials meet high standards. Partnering with our material supplier YKK provide the best zippers and buckles in the combination with fabric trust source to get the most appropriate material at the best possible cost.
We have quality control during all the production line. The quality control during this process is not limited to the product, also to the working condition of all the people involved and the protection of the environment.
このようなサイクルの終わりには、再びお客様がいます。私たちはお客様からの声を聞き、これらをお客様のニーズにより合った製品を生産するのに役立てています。私たちAconcaguaはお客様からの声を最も信頼のおける情報源だと考えており、お客様とのかかわりが私たちの製品の品質をより高くしていくための一番の方法だと考えています。ページ下部の お客様の声 より、どうか貴重な意見をお寄せください。
Here is really when the cycle ends. We listen to and appreciate feedback from our consumers. Our team utilises this feedback to ensure that we know our customers and proactively adapt our products to better meet consumer needs. You are our best source of information and Aconcagua considers consumer communications as an opportunity to ensure we build quality into everything we do. To contact Aconcagua, please go to Contact us form at the bottom of the page .
ペットの専門店コジマ - 限りない安心をお客様へ Since1916