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  5. Saints Row Xbox One & Series X 北米版 輸入版 ソフト
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Saints Row Xbox One & Series X 北米版 輸入版 ソフト


Saints Row Xbox One & Series X 北米版 輸入版 ソフト

◆タイトル: Saints Row Xbox One & Series X
◆発売日: 2022/08/23
◆レーティング(ESRB): M



海外ゲーム対応早見表 Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the heart of the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, where lawless factions fight for power, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to become Self Made. As the future Boss, with Neenah, Kevin, and Eli by your side, you'll form The Saints - and take on Los Panteros, The Idols, and Marshall as you build your empire across the streets of Santo Ileso and battle for control of the city. Ultimately Saints Row is the story of a start-up company, it's just that the business The Saints are in happens to be crime. Experience the biggest and best Saints Row playground ever created; the unique sprawling world of Santo Ileso is the backdrop for a wild, larger than life sandbox of thrilling side hustles, criminal ventures and blockbuster missions, as you shoot, drive, and wingsuit your way to the top. Express yourself and unleash your inner Saint, with the most advanced suite of customization tools yet seen in an open-world game - make your character, your car and your crew your own. Dive into epic gunfights and highspeed chases, and witness outrageous only-in-Saints-Row moments in an original story that charts the Saints' remarkable rise to power. Enjoy the freedom of playing the entire campaign with a friend through seamless untethered co-op play, where you can both push the limits of your gang and create your own gameplay moments together.

Saints Row Xbox One & Series X 北米版 輸入版 ソフト

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