JannekeR 4 Small smart watch!It is the smallest on the market and is very elegant. I’m happy with the size.I bought it to monitor my heart rate and it does so accurately.I did have problems with the body battery and stress level meter. However the Garmin support team explained that this is because of my naturally high heart rate, not the watch itself. So if you have a fluttery heart like mine and want a watch that tells you stress levels, this may not be the watch for you. However, if you want to measure step goals, exercise or heart rate, go for it!Despite other reviews, my battery has lasted a week or more at a time.Happy with my purchase!
Amazon user 4 頭頂あたりがメッシュになっており、通気性が良くて軽い。帽子を被っていなかった時は額から流れ落ちる汗をこまめにタオルで拭いていたが帽子を着用してからは、額から汗が流れ落ちることが軽減されたように感じる。付属のタオルは、綿素材ではないので肌触りはいまひとつ。速乾なのでジムとかに持っていくには良さそう。