Luis Reyes 5 I was worried about buying this desk online without have seeing it physically, specially because I will put two heavy laptops and to big heavy monitors on it so strength was a priority.But the desk arrived well packaged. The package itself is heavy so you will need help to move it.The pipes are thicker than I expected and feels strong enough.I don't like the color of the top boards but there are no options, however, the boards feels strong too; almost like real wood.I could assemble about 80% by myself in about 40min, but there were some steps that you may need a couple extra hands.If you have C clamps, you can do it alone.Recommendation!!!Take your time reading and understanding the instructions (which are super small...).Some people feel smart enough to assemble it without even checking the instructions. Those people are the ones that always have problems with mismatching parts.So, take your time, understand the instructions and how the parts are oriented and you will have no problems.Don't tight all the screws since the beginning, let them a little loose so you can make fine adjustments. When all the parts are together and everything fits in place, then tight everything.If correctly assembled, there are practically no gaps between parts.I like it and since I have more equipment, I'm considering buying the same desk again.
YM 5 可愛いです。息子の靴を買い換えの為購入。前の靴もミキハウスさんの靴で、軽くて履き安かったです。甲の高さや足指先の幅はサイズ感がよかったから、今回も似たようなデザインを選びました。気に入ってくれて毎日履いて通園しています。