OSP ドライブスティック 3.5in DoliveStick
TOTO 普通便座 大形サイズ パステルアイボリー TC291Y#SC1 長田 3
When it arrived, many of its leaves fell. I bought two for more to see. I put the two together and I didn't do anything on his land, that's all I did. I put it in the beautiful pouch. and I just threw a stone at her to make her look beautiful. The problem is that every day her leaves are removed. I gave him water. That was the spray type I watered him. This is when the leaf is slowly disappearing. I JUST ASK YOU TO DO IT. THE LAND YOU MADE IS OK. So just too much pertilaser? So this plant can not cope. It's better to put a lot of land because that's what's important. And we know that this plant is sinsetive. Third, if the woman did it, if you have menstruation, don't do it because the plant will just die. If the man made it, he had to eat and his stomach was full, not just coffee because that is how the plant would die. This I advise only to the maker of plants. Because every plant is also important because it has life. It’s not just a work of art because it’s sold. It shouldn't be like that. give value and love each plant to survive. Wherever the plants and life go, it is important. I hope the lessons I have said will be taught. Many negative comments here. But I couldn’t believe it if it didn’t come to me. So this plant is dying because of what you put. Change what should be. And eat before making the plant that anything plant, female or male to make. I repeat if a woman do not make a plant or water a plant if you have mentruation, Because the plant will just die. If possible low price For many to take care of and many to buy And that is what is more important that the plant grows than the plant dies. Thank you so much for sending it to me and will I take care of him soon? But I still can't despair because I know there is more to do.
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