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  5. PC用品 プリンタ スキャナ 用品 スキャナー Plustek MobileOffice S400 Portable Scanner, 600 dpi, 3 ppm, USB Interface
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PC用品 プリンタ スキャナ 用品 スキャナー Plustek MobileOffice S400 Portable Scanner, 600 dpi, 3 ppm, USB Interface


PC用品 プリンタ スキャナ 用品 スキャナー Plustek MobileOffice S400 Portable Scanner, 600 dpi, 3 ppm, USB Interface

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以下 英文ですが仕入れ先からの説明文となります。

PC用品 プリンタ スキャナ 用品 スキャナー Plustek MobileOffice S400 Portable Scanner, 600 dpi, 3 ppm, USB InterfaceManufacturer:Plustek, Country/Region of Manufacture:China, Type:Pass-Through Scanner, Model:S400, MPN:S400, Scanning Resolution:600 x 600 DPI, Connectivity:USB 1.0/1.1, Description:1.888.209.5772 About me Contact Us Shipping Payments FAQ Plustek MobileOffice S400 Portable Scanner, 600 dpi, 3 ppm, USB InterfaceSKU: ICDPS400Mfr. Part: S400 Item IncludesPlustek MobileOffice S400 Portable Scanner - USB Cable - Travel Pouch - Wall Rack - CD-ROM - Software amp; Drivers - Plustek Warranty DescriptionWhen you are working on the road, no matter where your business travels take you - on a plane, bus, train, an airport or hotel - the Plustek MobileOffice S400 Scanner is the simple mobile scanning solution for converting your papers into usable digital files. This highly portable scanner is operated via two single-touch customizable buttons for automating frequently used scanning modalities. The MobileOffice is a time-saving solution for digitizing your paper documents - expense reports, business cards, receipts, quotes and more - in as fast as three pages-per-minute. At the touch of a button it will convert your hard copies into searchable PDF files which can be printed, filed or e-mailed. The S400 is USB bus powered and does not require any other external power sources, making it easy to use in just about any location. The MobileOffice S400 also features advanced image processing that allows you to scan mixed sized document with no adjustments. Images are automatically straightened, rotated and adjusted for exposure. The result is more accurate Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and fewer pages that need to be rescanned. The included software productivity suite allows you to easily create and manage searchable PDFs and Microsoft Office formats.FeaturesThis highly portable scanner is operated via two single-touch customizable buttons for automating frequent scanning jobs such as Scan to PDF, Scan to file, Scan to e-mail, etcScan to your PC, laptop or netbook, in your office, at the airport, at your customer site or on the roadThe Plustek MobileOffice S400 is designed with business travelers in mind but it is rugged enough to be used in any vertical application requiring an easily transportable, mobile scannerAdvanced image enhancement automatically straightens and rotates pages, adjusts brightness and crops images to minimize file size and increase OCR accuracyDocAction single touch scanning and industry standard TWAIN drivers ensure compatibility with thousands of scanning and imaging programsThe included ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Sprint, in conjunction with Plustek's advanced image processing, provide accurate Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and reliable conversion to searchable PDF and editable Microsoft Office formatsThe S400 comes with the following productivity software bundle: ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Sprint, NewSoft Presto! PageManager, NewSoft Presto! ImageFolio and HotCard BizCard FinderSpecificationsScanning TypeCISOptical Resolution600 dpiScan ModesColor: Input 48 bit; Output 24 bit Grayscale: 16-bit; Output 8 bit Black amp; White: 1 bitScan AreaMaximum: 216 x 910 mm (8.5" x 36") Minimum: 12.7 x 12.7 mm (0.5" x 0.5")Scan Speed3 ppmPaper ThicknessUp to 0.43 mmAction ButtonPDF, SCANInterfaceUSB 1.1ProtocolsTWAIN CompliantPower Consumption1.2 w idle; 2.2 w during scanOperating System RequirementsWindows XP, 2000, Vista, 7Environment RequirementWEEE / ROHSSystem RequirementsIBM Compatible PC, with Pentium lll 1G or faster CPU,CD-ROM Driver, One available USB Ports,256 MB RAM (512 MB or higher recommended),800 MB free HDD space (1 GB or larger recommended),High Color Graphic Card (VGA or higher) Windows XP ,Windows Vista , Windows 7 , Windows 8Dimensions (D x W x H)47x 274 x 33.8 mm (1.9" x 10.8" x 1.33")Weight330 gram (0.72 Lbs) e391313048606
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PC用品 プリンタ スキャナ 用品 スキャナー Plustek MobileOffice S400 Portable Scanner, 600 dpi, 3 ppm, USB Interface

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