Lillian Ruff Waterless No-Rinse Dog Dry Shampoo Spray with Hydrating Essential Oils - pH-Balanced Dry Shampoo for Dogs - Clean, Condition, De_並行輸入
Lillian Ruff Waterless No-Rinse Dog Dry Shampoo Spray with Hydrating Essential Oils - pH-Balanced Dry Shampoo for Dogs - Clean, Condition, De_並行輸入

KRYRストア 海外日用品専門ショップ!世界中のブランドを手軽にお得に購入!
- FAST amp; EFFECTIVE CLEAN - Lillian Ruff Waterless Shampoo gets pets clean quickly, No water required! Leave fur smelling great and feeling soft. Our dry shampoo gets rid of unpleasant pet smells instantly and is great for pets who dislike water. It’s more effective than wipes and can be used to spot treat accidents or for a full body cleanse. It's portable, making it convenient for traveling. Unlike other sprays or foams, our shampoo does not need to be wiped off your pet’s coat
- SAFE amp; GENTLE - Our Veterinarian Recommended dry pet shampoo is extremely gentle amp; contains Aloe, making it an excellent shampoo for animals with sensitivities. Lillian Ruff Waterless Shampoo spray-on cleansers are tough on dirt and smells, yet gentle on the skin. Our proprietary tearless Formula is pH balanced for all dogs and puppies; 100% Gluten Free, Paraben Free, Sulfate Free, amp; Dye Free. Our water-less shampoo spray is a safe alternative to other cleansers that contain harsh chemicals
- EASY NO RINSE FORMULA - Saving time and cleaning efficiently, this waterless shampoo is the perfect way to furnish your pet with a fresh-smelling, shiny coat without having to deal with water. Lillian Ruff Waterless Spray Shampoo cleans, soothes, and softens dry skin and conditions your dog's coat to give fur a super shine. It’s a great solution in between trips to the groomer and for pets who dislike bathing. Simply spray and work through the fur with your hand or a comb
- CHOICE OF SCENTS - To accommodate everyone’s taste, Lillian Ruff Waterless Pet Shampoo is available in four wonderful scents? Lavender, Citrus, Vanilla and Lavender Coconut. Our scents are derived from natural essential oils that leave your pet smelling fresh for days. A wonderful fresh aroma makes this dry bath a pleasant experience for you and your pet!
- MADE IN THE USA - Our pet grooming products are made right here in the USA. No animal testing, 100% Cruelty-free GLUTEN FREE | TEAR FREE | DYE FREE | PARABEN FREE | SULFATE FREE. We are so sure that you will love our product that it comes with a 30 day Risk-Free 100% money-back-guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied with our product, let us know and receive a full refund.説明: No time for a bath? No problem. Whether your pet is active and loves rolling in the grass or they just dislike taking a bath with a passion, allow Lillian Ruff Waterless Shampoo to be your life hack. Saving time and cleaning efficiently, this waterless shampoo is the perfect way to furnish your pet with a fresh-smelling, shiny coat without having to deal with water. It’s a great solution in between trips to the groomer and for pets who dislike bathing. This easy-to-use, no-rinse formula provides a nourishing clean and leaves your pet shiny, soft, and smelling fresh. Made with a gentle blend of aloe and essential oils, this proprietary formula is safe for puppies, kittens, and pets with sensitive skin. With no water required, Lillian Ruff Waterless Shampoos are the perfect on-the-go solution for adventurous pets who love going to the park, beach, and on road trips. Unlike other sprays or foams, our shampoo does not need to be wiped off your pet’s coat. Simply spray and work through the fur with your hand or a comb. Brushing after coat has dried will restore luster and sheen. Generously spray all over your pet’s coat, avoiding directly spraying into the eyes. Do not spray directly into the ears. See back of bottle for full instructions. For best results, use in combination with Our Lillian Ruff Shampoos, Conditioners, and Detanglers as part of a complete grooming regimen. Lillian Ruff has built a reputation of offering high quality products that our customers have come to truly love. We continue to deliver products that are of the highest quality standards and difficult to find anywhere else, other than "The Premium Shoppe".
メーカー: Premium Shoppe
ブランド: Lillian Ruff
高さ: 22.6 センチ
幅: 7.3 センチ
奥行: 7.1 センチ
重量: 0.5 Kg
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Lillian Ruff Waterless No-Rinse Dog Dry Shampoo Spray with Hydrating Essential Oils - pH-Balanced Dry Shampoo for Dogs - Clean, Condition, De_並行輸入
Lilian Ruff Premium Waterless Shampoo - Lavender Coconut | Lillian Ruff
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