IsaidYes 3
Updated after 3 months of use!After the first month, the motor started burning out. Every time I ran it, it was burning metal and oil, the smells just kept getting worse and worse. So, I phoned them to come repair it and they told me if there wasn't a problem, they were going to charge 5000 yen. Ok, fine, come check!So the service guy shows up, checks it out, sure enough it's a burnt out water pump. They call later and replace my dishwasher two weeks later with what appears to be a refurbished model. It works ok for the first week, except a strong rattling noise caused by the plastic.Then the water pump starts burning out again. So, now I have to call them back, have them not believe me, come check it out and find out that I'm right, and replace it again.Don't buy this model.Here's my previous review, after owning it before the motor burned out:These portable dishwashers are small. It works well, it cleans well, it has 5 different cycles to use, some of which dry your dishes, some that sterilize them using UV light. I like it, it saves me time.However, this dishwasher is light. That's great for carrying, but not great for opening. If you have this on its own ledge, where the door will be supported, you won't have any problems. But the reason you bought this is for its small size, so you're likely mounting it on a surface that is only big enough to support the base. When you open the door and pull the rack out, the dishwasher will fall forward. That means you have to support the door or your dishwasher will fall. You can circumvent this issue a little by filling it with water, but only a little.
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