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GINGER掲載商品】 黒はんぺん 大20枚 本場中の本場 焼津 産 静岡 父の日 プレゼント 食べ物 海鮮 人気 ギフト おつまみ お取り寄せ 酒の肴 materialworldblog.com
sac 5
I've checked many reviews before buying this one... I was surprised that most of the reviewers prefered the Nebula Mars II, Nebula Capsule, AAXA and so on... Well, seems like their priorities are: 1) portable with long lasting battery (which makes sense), 2) good sound from the projector (so you can even use it as a portable speaker) and 3) many fancy stuff like Netflix, Google Play, blabla... Well, if these are your priorities, don't bother to take a look to the LG. But! If you are looking for a projector to keep it at home (and on a trip from time to time) with good image quality, small, silent and you don't care about the sound and fancy stuff (youtube/google/netflix apps) because you have your own speakers and computer/phone; LG is the right choice.Qualities of this projector:- Affordable price compared to other pico projectors- Quality of image is very good (native 1080p)- Auto-adjust- Aesthetically nice, easy to use- Robust- Silent when charging or on power plug- Good connectivity (works on LINUX!, VGA & HDMI & USB-C adapter)- Good remote controller- 2h/2.5h battery on low brightness, in theory (haven't tested it yet, but at maximum brightness lasted at least 1h-ish, maybe more, didn't record it).Cons:- Heavier than others, but still very portable- Sound is poor (it's enough to watch a video in a calm room, but not for movies or noisy places)- No auto-focus- Tripod (if necessary) must be bought separatelySo... This is my third projector (2nd pico projector), and I'm very happy with it. I had an AAXA before (P300); the fan was very noisy when charging (as battery life was very short, I used it always plugged), didn't work on mini-VGA/USB-C adapters on Linux, and the remote controller was mostly useless. This projector is cheaper than Nebula or AAXA, with better quality and, personally, I don't give a s**t about fancy stuff such as sound (I bought a projector to project, not to listen) or Netflix/Google/Youtube apps (which increase the price and therefore you loose image quality for the same price). I mostly use my projector for presentations (pros of LG: portable, robust, good image) and watch movies at home (pros of LG: good image, silent, connectivity). When I watch a movie, I don't want to rely on the 1W or 5W integrated speakers, so I use my own speakers.I hope this review helpsCheers
黒はんぺん 大15枚 本場中の本場 焼津 食欲の秋 プレゼント 食べ物 海鮮 人気 ギフト おつまみ :hanpen14:天然まぐろの焼津屋ヤフー店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング
Xperia 10 III SO-52B SOG04 強化ガラスフィルム 全面保護 液晶保護 旭硝子製 飛散防止 硬度9H ラウンドエッジ 0.3mm 黒はんぺん 大15枚 本場中の本場 焼津 食欲の秋 プレゼント 食べ物 海鮮 人気 ギフト おつまみ :hanpen14:天然まぐろの焼津屋ヤフー店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング
WING ACE LED電球付 屋内用クリップランプ ニュールミネα(アルファ) 5mコード LA-2205A-LED ライオンハート プレーン フープ ピアス サージカルステンレス ブラック 黒 M 片耳用 1点売り メンズ ブランド LION HEART 「剣が刻」樒 オーロラアクリルフィギュア ガラス細工 マンタ(S) 青 ミニチュア 置物 雑貨 水族館 海 小物 とても美味しかったです。