BossLady 4 It's ok but what are those two small pads for??? There is no small sheet to explain what the small pads are for so no idea. Otherwise it seems ok but maybe a tad small for a 2 seater loveseat we brought from the states.Thickness wise it's really generic and thin, definitely NOT thick as advertised. Satiny finish and not cotton so I can see this is gonna be a fun slip and slide for the kids *sigh*Anti-slip: total lie unless you have a fabric couch. Does not work well on leather or pleather surfaces.Anti-spill: not sure about this YET.
BOSS 3 安心の日本製?→安心できません!美容室でも使用?→雑巾として?ハンドタオル・モカ10枚を、色移り防止と消臭のために洗濯。干す時に気付いたのが両端の縫い目付近が破れている事(写真添付)。しかも10枚全部!洗濯ネットに入れて洗ったにもかかわらず・・・。先に購入したブルーグレーも確認するとこちらも同様。色味が濃いので気付かなかった。普段はレビューしませんが、こんな粗悪品を購入する被害者が増えると気の毒なので!☆ゼロです!