Here is an authentic place of Jasmine tea, Fujian tea leaf company of China Fujian Province made Jasmine
■[Our boast is here] Flavor Jasmine tea is green tea with the smell of Jasmine flowers. This is a favorite tea which is so fresh during the meal, after the meal. (Especially, in Okinawa, it’s called “Sanpin tea” which is drunk by the people account for 60-70% in Japan) Our recommendation is this tea for a special day as a visitor’s tea!
胡蝶牌 ジャスミン茶 (お徳用) (「青缶」で有名な本格ジャスミンティーです。 来客用のお茶として、特別な日のプレゼントにもおすすめです) ◆名称 中国福建省産 最高級 手摘み茉莉花茶 胡蝶牌◆内容量 200g茶葉【チャック付袋】 ◆商品説明 緑茶にジャスミンの花の香りをつけた、フレーバなジャスミンティー。 さっぱりとした味わいで、食事中や食後のお茶として人気です。 茉莉花茶の本場、中国福建省の福建茶葉公司製造「胡蝶牌」の定番ジャスミン茶です。 (特に沖縄では、「さんぴん茶」と呼ばれ、日本の全消費量の6〜7割りを占める ほど愛飲されています) ◆飲み方 茶葉の分量は、お湯100mlに対して1gが目安です。 ★当店オリジナルのお得なポイント→「お!茶ポイント」 0点◆健康応援キャンペーン 当店で13,000円(税別)以上ご注文いただいた方にもれなくプレゼント♪ →注文手続き画面の下部→備考欄でお選びください(今回の商品に同梱させていただきます) ◆原材料 緑茶、茉莉花の花◆賞味期限 約2年間◆アレルゲン表示 なし ◆保存方法 なるべく冷暗な場所で保管してください。◆輸入元 東栄商工株式会社(兵庫県神戸市中央区) ◆販売者 大一商事株式会社 〒010-0041 秋田市広面字樋の下12-2 TEL 018-835-8051(平日9時〜18時:土曜日10時〜17時) FAX 018-832-8388(24時間) ◆ご相談専用電話 09014976983(24時間)
ジャスミン茶の商品一覧はこちらをどうぞ 【■お探しキーワード(*^▽^*) 】 ジャスミン茶 ジャスミン茶 じゃすみん茶 ャスミン じゃすみん 茉莉花茶 中国茶 青缶 花茶 香茶 華茶 福建省 胡蝶牌 高級茶 手摘み茶 中華街 高級ジャスミン茶 高級花茶 リラックス 鎮静効果 じゃすみん茶 茉莉花茶 中国茶 青缶 花茶 香茶 華茶 福建省 胡蝶牌 高級茶 手摘み茶 中華街 高級ジャスミン茶 高級花茶 リラックス 鎮静作用 ヒーリング 無農薬【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】 jasmine tea・jasmin tea・tea leaves used to make jasmine tea・JASMINE TEA BEVERAGE ------------- ■Jasmin tea ------------- Here is an authentic place of Jasmine tea, Fujian tea leaf company of China Fujian Province made Jasmine
■[Our boast is here] Flavor Jasmine tea is green tea with the smell of Jasmine flowers. This is a favorite tea which is so fresh during the meal, after the meal. (Especially, in Okinawa, it’s called “Sanpin tea” which is drunk by the people account for 60-70% in Japan) Our recommendation is this tea for a special day as a visitor’s tea!
◆How to drink The quantity of tea leaves 1g Hot water 100ml
◆How to store After opening, Please keep firmly sealing the zippered bag. Please keep as much as possible in the cold and dark places.
■Import source TOUEI SYOKOU company(Hyogo Prefecture in Kobe city Chuo-ku)
1976 August
Established, capital 10 million yen
Started supply products to the national
Executive director of Akita Citizens'
Co-op "Niji no kai ", executive
Member of Japan International Trade
Association 2000
Opened a store in Rakuten Ichiba
Won the Nikkei BP “Yokozuna” prize 2002
Won the online shopping prize ranked
out of 3345 stores 2003
Opened a store in Yahoo! Shopping 2004
Employment and Human Resources Development
Organization Akita Center
Lecturer of seminar “The secret of
a successful
online shop” 2009
Dominates 1st to 3rd place in Rakuten
shellfish ranking 2010
Rakuten Ichiba 10th anniversary special
Daiichi Co, Ltd
TEL : 018-835-8051 FAX : 018-832-8388
12-2 Hiroomote Toinoshita, Akita City,
Prefecture, Japan
It has been 20 years since we opened
store in Rakuten Ichiba, Japan’s largest
We handle the "healthy tea"
are well known among the national Co-op,
and it has been 45 years since the
was founded. We strive to deliver better than you
even a little, and hope you will be
when you open the shipping. We are supplying the products to the
Co-op which have very strict safety
for additives, and here are some photos
by the Product Review Committee, which
its food safety.